Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who; have been called according to his purpose.”
We don’t always understand why some things happen or why what we want to work out doesn’t. Whether it’s a job, relationship, project or just a personal goal for yourself – when it doesn’t go according to how you had it planned out, it can feel like the end of the world. Hopelessness and feeling stuck are often our responses to disappointments. Instead of being patient and trusting, we get angry, frustrated, we question why not now or the way we think it should've happen. But we can’t always see the whole picture, the ultimate plan, or what may be coming around that next corner that would be detrimental to our journey. But God can and He is working His plan for you. It will unfold in His time; we have to learn to BE STILL and know that He is God (Psalms 46:10). Those doors that are closed, no matter how much you believe that it was yours; you have to trust that He closes the doors that are NOT for you and He WILL open the doors which are. You have to go through challenges to prepare yourself to reach to your destiny – to develop the tools and skills that will get you through. You are made up of many pieces, when you try to fit a piece into a plan and it doesn’t fit or make sense, you may want to give up; but with PATIENCE, TRUST and FAITH; you can to put the pieces together in time. It is only then you will understand and see the whole picture. Sometimes it takes another perspective, a different view to see how the pieces of your puzzle need to be placed so they can fit. This is where LifeOptions can help. Through coaching, you will learn how to Be Still, appreciate the moment and how it is getting you to your goal. Learning to be kind to yourself and trusting in the plan, so that the whole picture with all the pieces can come together in time; this a lesson we all have to learn in this life. It isn’t unusual for us to feel scared or want the answers right away, but that’s not how it works. God has so much good for us, He hears your prayers and knows your wishes (Romans 8:28). So, learning to TRUST that He will bring good to you can be a challenge since we are naturally impatient humans. TRUST He will bring you through whatever storm you are in. TRUST that He will allow you to reach your purpose. TRUST & BE STILL. This has been my personal journey also, learning to TRUST and BE STILL. Lessons I am still learning everyday but now is the time to share this journey with you, so I can help you and others the same way I have been helped. So, if sounds familiar and you are ready to work on your life puzzle, email or book a session online.